HPPSC Child Development Project Officer (C.D.P.O.) & Tehsil Welfare Officer (T.W.O) Mains Exam Syllabus and Preparation

HPPSC Child Development  Project Officer (C.D.P.O.) & Tehsil Welfare Officer (T.W.O) Mains Exam Syllabus and Preparation

As we know HPPSC have already issued the Keys of Prelims Exam Held on 2/3/2014, so in next 2/3 weeks they will publish the result on the website and dates of the Mains Exam will also be published soon after the result Declaration. Mains will be probably held in July/August or one/ two months later, so till then those who will qualify, needs to prepare as good as they can because the competition is too much and the No of Posts are also very less. Lets See the analysis of No of seats and Maximum No. of candidates who will be eligible for the Mains Exam.

1. Child Development  Project Officer (C.D.P.O.)

Total Posts = 03
General category = 03

2. Tehsil Welfare  Officer (T.W.O)

Total Posts = 11
General Category = 04
SC of HP = 02
ST of HP = 01
Unreserved  Ex-SM of HP=04

Total Posts for General Category = 07
Total Posts for SC Category =  02
Total Posts for ST Category = 01
Total Posts for Unreserved  Ex-SM of HP=04

How many Times candidates will qualify for the mains ?

Official Word:

The number of candidates to be called for (Main) written examination will be 20  times of the total number of the vacancies. The candidates having been declared qualified in the Screening test will be entitled for admission to the (Main) written examination consisting of four papers.

So Total No of Candidates Who will Qualify for Mains:

General Category = 7 x 20 = 140 Candidates
SC of HP Category = 2 x 20 = 40 Candidates
ST of HP Category = 1 x 20 = 20 Candidates
Unreserved  Ex-SM of HP= 4 x 20 = 80 Candidates

Note: This is approximate No of calculations, although it may vary according to final official procedure.

Total No of Candidates who Will Qualify= 280 Candidates

Cut Off Analysis:

General Category: Approximately 140 Candidates of General will qualify for the Mains, So you can guess that what kind of Cut Off marks you can Expect, because the question paper was an average or more tough than average so if you say that you did 50% questions correct plus some TUKKA Probability Conversion Rate of 10-20 % with few questions still doubtful, Cut off will around 60-65 Marks and or may be Plus/Minus 5.

So conclusions is that if you are scoring Near 60 then start your preparation, because in Mains TUKKA Work is not going to help you and competition is very tough with all the senior Players and Experienced Uncles. :D

SC Category: Approximately 40 Candidates of SC will qualify for the Mains, So if you are Scoring Just above 50 then start preparing for the Mains.

ST Category: Approximately 20 Candidates of SC will qualify for the Mains, Because ST candidates are very less as compared to other categories, thus the chances of cut off score coming down is obvious,  So if you are Scoring above 45 then start preparing for the Mains.

Unreserved  Ex-SM of HP: Approximately 80 Candidates of  This Category will qualify for the Mains, I don't think that there will be 80 person who will be competing in this category, So Cut off will remain low, If you score around 50 then start your preparation.

(Please don't forget to write your Marks below this post it will help all the candidates in further preparation )

Mains Syllabus:

Following subjects for the (Main) : Min Passing Marks 33% in Each Paper

1.     G.K. & Current Affairs : 100 marks,
2.    General English :  50 marks,
3.    English Essay :  50 marks,
4.    Hindi : 50 marks, 
5.    Viva-Voce :  40 marks,

Paper 1: General Knowledge & Current Affairs  Max. Marks= 100   Time= 2 Hours

(a)  History,  Geography  and  Socio  Economic  development  of  Himachal Pradesh. =40 Marks

(b) Knowledge of current events of National and International importance and  such  matters  of  every  day  observation  and  experience  in  their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. =30 Marks

(c)  Paper  will  also  include  questions  on  Modern  History  (From  1857 onwards) of India, Indian culture, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Geography of India. =30 Marks

Paper 2: General English Max. Marks= 50   Time= 1.30 Hours

Candidates  will  be  required  to  answer  questions  designed  to  test  their understanding  of English  and  workmen  like  use  of  words.  Some  of  the questions  will  be  devised  to  test  their  reasoning  power,  their  capacity  to perceive  implications  and  their  ability  to  distinguish between  the important and the less important.

Paper 3: English Essay Max. Marks= 50   Time= 1.30 Hours

Paper 4: Hindi  Max. Marks= 50   Time= 1.30 Hours

(i) Translation of an English passage into Hindi.
(ii)  Explanation  of  Hindi  passage  i n  Prose  and  Poetry  in  the  same language.
(iii) Composition (Idioms, corrections etc.).

Final Words: If you have scored decent marks and if you think that you are there at the threshold, I will say give next few months to your studies seriously, Because the competition is too much so you can't rely upon only on your destiny, All you need is to work hard and even if you will not clear the Exam then Start preparing for the Next exam. Hard work will definitely pay back soon.

Don't forget to comment below with your Marks in this Exam, this will help all the candidates. If any queries then too comment below.


  1. 66 General category

  2. 72 general any chance?

  3. 65 general category

  4. I have got 57 according to answer key... What is the chance

  5. 57 in general

  6. hello ,i m silent follower or your blog,thanks for sharing everything tegarding exam relate,i want to know when was last CDPO n teh.welfare officer was conducted n when it will come next ,pl reply soon

  7. Sir I am ex serviceman..i want to ask you how much competition is there for me in Hppsc exam

