[Studyplan] Book Lists for Optional Subjects of UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination (UPSC CSE) and other State PSC Exams.

Book Lists for Optional Subjects of  UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination (UPSC CSE) and other State PSC Exams.

Optional Subjects demand Many books because of their very nature and vast syllabus. I have collected these books from various sources and have strictly complied the necessary books for various optionals for UPSC CSE and other State PCS Exams. Some of the State PSC have different syllabus but still their syllabus match 80-90% with UPSC syllabus so the book list remains almost same.

I will keep updating the Lists as soon as I will Come to know Good Books and info also will post about remaining optional subjects. Stay connected and keep visiting. Subjects Mentioned below are followings :

  1. History 
  2. Political Science
  3. Geography : Ira Singhal
  4. Sociology
  5. Public Administration : Prem Ranjan Singh
  6. Economics : Harshika Singh | Neeraj Kumar Singh | Gaurav Agrawal
  7. Commerce : Deepak Singla 
  8. Medical Science : Dr. Shaleen
  9. Mathematics : Prakash Rajpurohit | Kashish Mittal
  10. Physics : Kashish Mittal | Kunal Silku
  11. Anthropology : Harshika Singh 


  1. History of Modern India – Shekhar Bandopadhyaya/Bipan Chandra
  2. India’s Struggle For Independence – Bipan Chandra and Others
  3. India’s Ancient Past – R.S. Sharma
  4. The Wonder That Was India – A.L. Basham
  5. Ashoka and the Decline of the Mauryas  - Romila Thapar/ A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India
  6. Medieval India: From Sultanat to Mughals – 1- Satish Chandra
  7. Medieveal India: From Sultanat to Mughals -2 – Satish Chandra
  8. Mastering Modern World History – Norman Lowe
  9. History of the World – Arjun Dev

Source: Here


  1. A History Of Political Thought: Plato To Marx – Mukherjee and Susheela Ramaswamy
  2. Introduction to Political Theory – O P Gauba
  3. Politial Theory – Rajeev Bhargava
  4. Politics – Heywood
  5. Global Politics – Heywood
  6. International Relations -Khanna
  7. Foundations of Indian Political Thought – V R Mehta
  8. Introduction to the Constitution of India  - D D Basu
  9. India’s Struggle For Idependence – Bipan Chandra
  10. Indian Government and Politics – B L Fadia
  11. Does The Elephant Dance? Contemporary India Foreign Policy – Malone



  1. Physical Geography – Majid Hussain/ Savindra Singh
  2. Modern Physical Geography – Strahler and Strahler  (Optional)
  3. Certificate Physical and Human Geography – Goh Cheng Leong
  4. Physical Geography Made Simple – Rupa Publication
  5. Dictionary of Physical Geography – Penguin
  6. Evolution of Geographical Thought – Majid Hussain
  7. Economic and Social Geography Made Simple – Rupa Publication
  8. Models in Geography – Majid Hussain
  9. Dictionary of Human Geography
  10. Oxford Student Atlas / The Orient BlackSwan School Atlas


  1. India – A Comprehensive Geography  - Khullar
  2. Regional Planning in India – Mahesh Chand
  3. India Year Book – Publication Division

Source: Here



  1. Sociology – Anthony Giddens
  2. Sociology – Harlombos and Holborn
  3. Sociological Thought – Francis Abraham and John Henry Morgan
  4. Political Theory – O P Gauba
  6. Sociology - Macionis


  1. Social Change in India – M N Srinivas
  2. Modernization of Indian Tradition – Yogendra Singh
  3. Handbook of Indian Sociology – Veena Das
  4. Indian Society and Culture – Nadeem Hasnain
  5. Rural Sociology – Doshi and Jain
  6. Social Background of Indian Nationalism – A R Desai

  7. Source: Here


  1. Indian Public Administration – Arora and Goyal
  2. Public Administration In India 1st Edition - Maheshwari
  3. Public Administration In India – B L Fadia (optional)
  4. Public Administration – Laxmikant
  5. Administrative Thinkers – Prasad and Prasad
  6. New Horizons of Public Administration – Mohit Bhattacharya
  7. Public Administration – Fadia and Fadia
  8. Public Administration and Public Affairs 12th Edition – Nicholas Henry
  9. Essentials Of Organizational Behaviour10th Edition – Robbins, Sanghi and Judge

Source: Here


UPSC Economics Paper - 1 :
  1. Microeconomics – Ahuja / Here 
  2. Koutsyansis / Here
  3. Macroeconomics – Ahuja / Here and Mankiw / Here
  4. International Economics – Salvatore / Here and  M.C Vaish / Here
  5. Public Finance - Lekhi, Balton and Bhatia / Here  
  6. Money and Banking – Gupta and Ahuja
  7. RBI Website
  8. For Growth and Development ,I followed Mishra and Puri  / Here. There is another book by Lekhi (this book covers the syllabus so it is bit handy)/Debraj Ray-Development Economics / Here. I extensively used Internet for some new developments in same.
UPSC Economics Paper - 2 :
  1. Indian Economy Since Independence by Uma Kapila  / Here 
  2. Mishra and Puri  / Here Dutt and Sundaram /HereUma Kapila-Policy & Planning / Here,
    Economic Survey, EPW, RBI
  3. Any One Business Newspaper - ETThe Economist or Financial Express

Source: Here



1. Accounting

 Corporate Accounting – Naseem Ahmed (A very good & simple book to cover entire topics, selected topics only)
Accounting Standards- D. S. Rawat (Cover AS 1-20, 22 & 26 in detail & practice numerical also)
2. Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting; Theory & Problems- Maheshwari & Mittal (Selected topics to cover syllabus of UPSC only)

3. Auditing

4. Taxation- Income Tax, Service Tax & VAT
Income Tax book by- V.K. Singhania or Girish Ahuja

Following is the link for a Income Tax book by Mr. Bhavin Pathak. This book is written in a wonderful way and one should download for covering Income Tax part from this book.

5. Financial Management
Financial Management; Text & Problems- Khan & Jain ( ALL CHAPTERS, sufficient to cover the entire syllabus)

6. Financial Markets & Institutions
               OR                                               Selected Topics to cover syllabus only

1. Organisation Theory & Behaviour
Organisation Theory & Behaviour- B.P. Singh & T.N. Chabra
2. Human Resource Management
  3. Industrial Relations

Source: Here


  1. Human Anatomy—B D Chaurasia books of Anatomy (all three volumes); Embryology from I B Singh;
  2. Human Physiology- Ganong; Guyton  & A.K.Jain book
  3. Biochemistry-  by U. Satyanarayan’s book.
  4. Pathology-  Pathological basis of disease by Robbins and Cotran, one can also refer to Harshmohan’s book also.
  5. Pharmacology- K D Tripathi’s book or even Lipincott is very good for memory point of view.
  6. Microbiology- D R Arora’s book. And same author’s book for medical parasitology.
  7. Forensic medicine- Essentials of Forensic medicine and Toxicology by Dr. K S Narayan Reddy. It is better to go by the tables that have been given in this book as question are asked directly from there and it is advisable to not to miss them.
  8. (Community medicine)Preventive and social medicine- K Park’s book is sufficient enough. There is no need to refer any special book for the programs of Govt. of India as K Park deals with them in good detail and one has to follow a word limit in writing questions.
  9. General Medicine- there are various books for medicine and no one is complete. I would highly recommend reading only those books which you have referred during your graduation years. Like I followed CMDT(no need to buy latest edition), textbook of medicine by S N Chugh, Emergency medicine by S N Chugh. I would recommend making notes on certain medical emergencies like asthma, COPD, Status epilepticus, poisoning cases etc. It is better to avoid reading Harrison as one need to prepare any question optimally and not totally. For Infectious diseases one should refer book from Indian author as presentation of Infectious diseases is a bit different in our country than west so avoid CMDT or Harrision for that.
  10. General Surgery- Manipal’s manual of surgery. For Differential diagnosis part one can refer to clinical surgery by S Das.
  11. Pediatrics-  Essential pediatrics by O P Ghai, Paul and Bagga. For d/d one can refer to DR. Mayoor K cheda book.
  12. Deramatology- illustrated synopsis of Dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases by Neena Khanna.
  13. Obstetrics and gynecology including family planning- Obstetrics by D C Dutta. And for gynecology either D C Dutta’s book or Shaw’s Gynecology. Practice questions in flow chart format like that has been given in D C dutta as it is the standard format to prepare for answer writing in medical science paper.

Source: Here



  1. Linear Algebra:
    Linear Algebra by Vasishtha and Sharma (Krishna Series)

    Matrices by Vasishtha and Vasishtha (Krishna Series)
  2. Calculus: Differential Calculus by Shanti Narayan (S. Chand)/ Or Here  
    Integral Calculus by Shanti Narayan (S. Chand)
    A Course of Mathematical Analysis by Shanti Narayan (S. Chand)
  3. Analytic Geometry: Analytical Solid Geometry by Shanti Narayan (S. Chand)
  4. Ordinary Differential Equations: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by M.D. Raisinghania (S. Chand)
    Laplace Transforms:

    Brilliant Tutorials Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig
  5. Statics: Statics (Krishna Series) Statics Statics & Dynamics Dynamics: Dynamics (Krishna Series)
  6. Vector Analysis:
    Vector Calculus (Krishna Series)
    Curves in Space
    Calculus by Thomas & Finney


  1. Algebra:  A Course in Algebra by Khanna and Bhambri
                       Topics in Algebra by I. N. Herstein
  2. Real Analysis: Elements of Real Analysis by MD Raisinghania (S. Chand)
  3. Complex Analysis: Functions of a Complex Variable (Krishna Series)
  4. Linear Programming: Linear Programming (Krishna Series)
  5. Partial Differential Equations: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by M.D. Raisinghania (S. Chand)
    Boundary Value Problems:
    Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig
  6. Numerical Analysis and Computer Programming: Numerical Methods by Jain, Jain and Iynger
  7. Mechanics:
    Rigid Dynamics -I (Dynamics of Rigid Bodies) (Krishna Series)
    Rigid Dynamics - II (Analytical Dynamics) (Krishna Series)
    Fluid Dynamics:
    M.D. Raisinghania (S. Chand)

Source : Prakash Purohit



  1. Mechanics: Mechanics by D.S. Mathur 
    An Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner and  Kolenkow
    Classical Mechanics by Goldstein / Here
  2. Waves and Optics:
    Optics by Ajoy Ghatak / Here
    Optics by B.S. Agarwal
  3. Electricity and Magnetism:
    Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J. Griffiths / Here 
    Electromagnetic Theory and Electrodynamics by Satya Prakash
    Electricity and Magnetism by D.C.Tayal

  4. Thermal and Statistical Physics:
    Heat and Thermodynamics by Dittman and Zemansky / Here 
    Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics by Sears and Salinger / Here  Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics and Kinetics by Satya Prakash  
    Thermal Physics by Garg, Bansal and Ghosh / Here


  1. Quantum Mechanics:
    Quantum Physics by H.C. Verma
    Quantum Physics by Resnick and Eisberg / Here
  2. Atomic and Molecular Physics:
    Atomic and Molecular Spectra by Raj Kumar / Here 
    Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser
    / Here
    Molecular Physics by Banwell / Here
    Quantum Physics by Resnick and Eisberg / Here
  3. Nuclear and Particle Physics:
    Nuclear Physics by D.C. Tayal
    Quantum Physics by Resnick and Eisberg / Here
    Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser / Here
  4. Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics:
    Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices by S O Kasap / Here
    Principles of Electronics by Mehta and Mehta / Here  Introduction to Solid State Physics by Kittel / Here
    Quantum Physics by Resnick and Eisberg / Here
    Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser / Here

Source : Kashish Mittal


Important Books for Anthropology Optional UPSC :

Paper - 1 and Paper - 2 : 

Physical Anthropology : 

Social Anthropology :  
Indian Anthropology :   
Anthropological Thought : 
Other sources:                           


  1. Sir what the best book for sociology.... If we have to narrow it down from this list

    1. Look for both papers You have to Read more than One book because not a single book provides complete material according to syllabus. But As you asked which books are Best in Above :

      Paper 1 :
      2. Sociological Theory – Ritzer G

      Paper 2 :
      1. Social Change in India – M N Srinivas
      2. Modernization of Indian Tradition – Yogendra Singh
      3. Handbook of Indian Sociology – Veena Das

      But all these books in each paper will cover 70-80 percent syllabus only. You have to read more books.

  2. khadu bhai tell the books for mains Urdu

  3. Khadu bhai I am preparing HPAS Mains with Urdu one of my optionals

  4. Give me a few days Time, I will add book list of Urdu too.

  5. Great List I liked the Sociology Booklist, Useful. thanks

  6. kindly suggest books for English Literature(Mains) as per HPAS syllabus

    1. Hi,even I'm opting for English Literature(optional)
      Let me know ! if you find the book source....

  7. Plz provide the booklist of Botany optional

  8. Sir please provide me booklist for geology as iptional.

  9. Hello Khadubhai...could you please provide booklist for philosophy as an optional...THANKS!!

  10. please provide book list for philosophy subject

  11. Sir, Please provide the booklist for subject Agriculture

  12. sir i am a dr mbbs now wants to prepare for himachal p s c what will be the best sub for me ,how should i prepare is there any other sub with medical science .if yes then what will be the best for me plz guide

  13. Sir will u please update with the list of Horticulture Books too..

  14. Sir plz botany optional ki book list bi upload kr do

  15. Sir plz suggest me any book of geography of Himachal Pradesh for optional .

  16. sir plz suggest books for geology....humble request

  17. khadubhai please tell what's the success ration of history optionals in hpas ??

  18. Please recommend books for Horticulture subject.

  19. Can u please tell the syllabus for mechanical engineering/or it will b a good choice as an optional subject in HPAS mains?

  20. plss tell mee book for public administration as option

  21. Culminate office furniture accompanies refined and very much etched components that give once body's the common shapes and lessening weight point loads for premium solace.punaise de lit symptome

  22. Management subject optional plz suggest...mmaterial for management

  23. Sir suggest books for forestry optional

  24. Dear sir
    Can u tell me good books for forestry as optional for HAS

  25. What is the best book for botany

  26. Plzzzzz sir help me what is the best book regarding botany subject

  27. Sir
    Books for zoology optional ?

