Topper's Profile : Amar Negi (HAS)
Education Details :
Q. Tell us something about yourself, your family, your place, when and why did you enter in this field of competitive exams?
Answer: My father(Shri A.S Negi) has retired from NABARD as General Manager.My mother (Mrs G.D Negi ) is housewife.Younger brother (Ajay Negi) is employed in Dubai.
Iam from kinnaur,HP.I was interested in administrative services from childhood as few of our relatives were in service.
Q. Nowadays many students rely on internet for study material, So how much do you rely on electronic material and how much on the paper material (Books, Newspapers)? Narrate a typical day in your study life. What is your style of preparation in Detail ?
Answer: It depends upon the content which I require.Both the methods are useful .I think student should take the best out of both the methods.
Electronic vs Paper material : Electronic material could be confusing sometimes due to vastness of information but at the same time you get information on the majority of topics.Paper material will concise and up to point but paucity of material is hindrance.
Your study Daily plan : Initially I used to study for 12-14 hrs,but afterwards 6-7 hrs of study is sufficient.
Style of preparation : For prelims your preparation has to be extensive and for mains you have to be selective.Answer writing practice will definitely improve your score.
Q. Students know what books and syllabus points are to be prepared. But most of them lack consistency in their preparation. So, how do you keep study momentum going on? How do you fight against the mood swings and distractions.
Answer: Nature of this exam is time consuming and takes a lot out of you.You should never forget your ultimate goal.In between you can take break from studies and try to have friends who motivate you .Always be positive and have faith in God.
If Struggle of a senior player
Q1. How did you handle the mental Stress and what are your words of wisdom to other senior players? If any specific inspirational incident(s), please share.
Answer: You need to have faith in your abilities and try to see positive in every aspect in life.There is no doubt that you will face testing period in your life but it’s your believe in yourself that will help you.Not to mention have faith in God.Whenever you are feeling low help any needy person and you will wonderful about yourself.
Q2. What went wrong in your previous attempt? What changes did you make in this current attempt?
Answer: Proper coverage of different topics and time management.
If Working Professional : If you’re a working professional, share some tips on how to manage studies with job ?
Answer: Prepare your notes in concise form and keep revising them in your free time and electronic material is of great help for working professional.
Studyplan :
Prelims: General studies (GS)
Q. Any observation / comments / tips about GS Prelim paper?
Answer: Go for extensive study specially for GS.
Prelims : Aptitude Test (CSAT)
Q1. Did you attend any ‘mock tests’ ? Do you think they are necessary for success?
Answer: NO, but they can be useful if you have time and resources. If possible join Career launcher (coaching institute )for CSAT.
Mains: Compulsory language paper
Q. How did you prepare for the Compulsory English Paper ? (if then Book list and Studypan/comments/tips)
Answer: Any good English Grammar book.
Q. How did you prepare for the Compulsory Hindi Paper ? (if then Book list and Studypan/comments/tips)
Answer: Any good Hindi Grammar book.
Essay Writing :
Q1. How did you prepare for the essay paper ?
Answer:Extensive reading and if you can write few essays,it will definitely help.
Q2. Which among the following essay did you write? What key points did you include in it? ( If you remember
Answer: Women empowerment.
Main points of Essay :
(historical,social,economic,political,psychological,cultural )
General Studies (Mains) Paper
Q. Any other comments, Tips or word of wisdom after going through the mains ?
Answer: Answer writing is key to scoring good marks in mains.Go for quality rather than quantity.
Optional Subject
Q1. First the essential book/resource list and strategy:
Book List : Paper 1 of Optional 1:Pub Adm- Maheshwari
and Vaji Ram printed material on Pub Adm
Book List : Paper 2 of Optional 1 : same as above
Q2. First the essential book/resource list and strategy:
Book List : Paper 1 of Optional 2: Anthropology
Anthropology-B M Dass for physical anthropology;
Nadeem Hasnain for Indian Anthropology or Here ;
Anthropology by Indrani Basu or Here ;
Anthropology by Vidyarthi and Vaid’s notes
Book List : Paper 2 of Optional 2 :same as above.You can also visit any library and search for relevant text books.
Q3. How much of internet-research / current affairs is necessary for this optional? OR can one simply rely on the books and be done with this subject?
Answer: For Pub Adm you need updating of current affairs.Regarding anthropology you can rely on books.
Q4. How many months did it take to finish the core optional syllabus?
Answer: 3-5 months
Q5. How much writing practice you did for Optionals?
Answer: Not much ,but one should do it.
Q6. Do you maintain self-notes for revision of optional? Or you simply rely on reference books?
Answer: Yes, notes definetly help.
Q7. What do you think about the Importance of Optionals in HPAS in existing pattern?
Answer: Optionals make all the difference
Q8. What you will suggest to the young aspirants about how to choose the Optional Subjects?
Answer: Depends on their interest and subjects which are doing well.
Mains answer-writing?
Q. What style you follow like “introduction-body-conclusion” format or just simply write down what comes in mind first or any other style ?
Answer: Yes, you need to follow a pattern depending on the need of question (whether short note or long question).
Q. Did you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs or any other style?
Answer: It is better to write in paragraphs.
Q. What was your approach in the exam writing questions in fixed word limits ?
Answer: If word limit is mentioned, you should follow it.
Q1. How did you prepare for the interview?
Answer: Prepare your bio-data thoroughly.Have an opinion about important current issues in the country.Be in a positive frame of mind.Go through as many newspapers you can.
Q2. Did you attend any mock interviews by coaching classes?
Answer: No
Q3. How long was the interview?
Answer: 25-30 minutes
Q4. Please narrate your entire interview- what questions did they ask and what did you reply and other pleasant or uncomfortable experiences during the interview. (Or you can simply tell about the questions asked in the interview, but it will be better if you try to narrate in question answer pattern).
Answer: Article 370,Intellectual property rights,Polyandry in kinnaur, National commission for women, MNREGA, ISIS,Taliban in pakistan, GST, Law and order situation in the country, Naxalism, slow conviction rate,Traffic problem in Shimla.
Q5. Was your interview on the expected lines of what you had prepared or did they ask you totally unexpected questions? Was it a stress interview, did they ask any uncomfortable questions? If yes, how did you handle it?
Answer: Interview was very cordial. You cannot say expected lines but it was ok. Few questions I did not do well like ISIS and Taliban in Pakistan.
Insecurity about profile
Answer: Just relax,interview is about your attitude.They are basically concerned whether you are confident or not. So don’t carry negative thoughts and have faith in yourself.
Please provide your marks when they will reveal the marks it will help future aspirants.
Career Backup
Answer: I backed my instincts,but one should have backup plan.
Views on HPAS reforms
Q. Optional subjects should be removed altogether. The present pattern is helping no-one, except coaching-owners, book publishers and the candidate whose optional subject gets favorable treatment. What’s you take on this?
Answer: Yes, we can follow UPSC pattern.One optional along with many general studies paper. This will bring parity.
Q. What’s your thoughts on the Aptitude test (CSAT) ? (Honest Views)
Answer: It’s a step in right direction, but issues like english or favouring Sc/St Students should be sorted out.
Q. What other reforms you would like to see in HPAS?
Answer: I think they should introduce scaling for mains subjects so that no subject gets undue advantage.Comission should include topics like economics,Sci and Tech, Histroy and geography in general studies paper.
Inspiration :
Q. Through this struggle and success, what have your learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is Your message to the new aspirants?
Answer: Patience and perseverance along with faith in oneself.Most importantly believe in God.
Q. Many hardworking candidates have failed in Mains/Interview of HPAS-2013. They’re feeling dejected- what is your message to them?
Answer: Kishti har toofan se nikal sakti hai,bhujhi shama jal sakti hai,mayoos na ho mere yaar, kismat kabhi bhi badal sakti hai.
Q. Behind every topper are many people who stood by during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?
Answer: My family and well wishers.
Amar Negi
Roll No.
Total attempts in HPAS
Optional Subject
Anthropology and Public
Medium chosen for Mains answers
Schooling medium
College medium
Home town/city/Village
Village Labrang, District
Kinnaur, HP
Work-experience if any
Allahabad Bank, HPS(currently)
Details of other competitive
exams, including success/failures
I have faced Civil Services Exam
interview,RBI interview (2) and quite a few bank interviews
Details of coaching, mock tests,
postal material for any competitive exam (if used)
I have taken coaching for civil
services in delhi for general studies in VajiRam
service preference
Education Details :
Fill the details below
% in class 10
% in class 12
Schooling (Medium)
Graduation course and %
BE(Electronics and Comm)-62%
Name of college, city, passing out
SRSIT, Bangalore, 2003
Any other professional courses
Hobbies & Extra curricular
and watching cricket
Q. Tell us something about yourself, your family, your place, when and why did you enter in this field of competitive exams?
Amar Negi HAS (Batch 2013)
Answer: My father(Shri A.S Negi) has retired from NABARD as General Manager.My mother (Mrs G.D Negi ) is housewife.Younger brother (Ajay Negi) is employed in Dubai.
Iam from kinnaur,HP.I was interested in administrative services from childhood as few of our relatives were in service.
Q. Nowadays many students rely on internet for study material, So how much do you rely on electronic material and how much on the paper material (Books, Newspapers)? Narrate a typical day in your study life. What is your style of preparation in Detail ?
Answer: It depends upon the content which I require.Both the methods are useful .I think student should take the best out of both the methods.
Electronic vs Paper material : Electronic material could be confusing sometimes due to vastness of information but at the same time you get information on the majority of topics.Paper material will concise and up to point but paucity of material is hindrance.
Your study Daily plan : Initially I used to study for 12-14 hrs,but afterwards 6-7 hrs of study is sufficient.
Style of preparation : For prelims your preparation has to be extensive and for mains you have to be selective.Answer writing practice will definitely improve your score.
Q. Students know what books and syllabus points are to be prepared. But most of them lack consistency in their preparation. So, how do you keep study momentum going on? How do you fight against the mood swings and distractions.
Answer: Nature of this exam is time consuming and takes a lot out of you.You should never forget your ultimate goal.In between you can take break from studies and try to have friends who motivate you .Always be positive and have faith in God.
If Struggle of a senior player
Q1. How did you handle the mental Stress and what are your words of wisdom to other senior players? If any specific inspirational incident(s), please share.
Answer: You need to have faith in your abilities and try to see positive in every aspect in life.There is no doubt that you will face testing period in your life but it’s your believe in yourself that will help you.Not to mention have faith in God.Whenever you are feeling low help any needy person and you will wonderful about yourself.
Q2. What went wrong in your previous attempt? What changes did you make in this current attempt?
Answer: Proper coverage of different topics and time management.
If Working Professional : If you’re a working professional, share some tips on how to manage studies with job ?
Answer: Prepare your notes in concise form and keep revising them in your free time and electronic material is of great help for working professional.
Studyplan :
Prelims: General studies (GS)
Himachal Pradesh General Studies :
History Art & Culture Geography Polity Economic & Social Development |
Mittoo(NBT) and Jagmohan Balokhra's Book and Economic survey of Himachal
History Ancient
NCERT + (Bipin chandra old ncert)
History Medieval
NCERT + (Bipin chandra old ncert)
History Modern (Freedom Struggle)
NCERT + (Bipin chandra) and
India before independence -Bipin Chandra |
Polity & Governance (theory + current)
Laxmikanth for UPSC
Economic & Social Development
(theory + current) |
VajiRam current notes
Science (theory + Current)
NCERT textbook
Environment & Biodiversity
(theory + current) |
Physical Geography,
Indian and World Geography |
NCERT and Majid hussain books on geography
Other national/international current affairs
Any good magazine and if possible HINDU paper
Schemes, Policy etc
Yojana and
Q. Any observation / comments / tips about GS Prelim paper?
Answer: Go for extensive study specially for GS.
Prelims : Aptitude Test (CSAT)
Q1. Did you attend any ‘mock tests’ ? Do you think they are necessary for success?
Answer: NO, but they can be useful if you have time and resources. If possible join Career launcher (coaching institute )for CSAT.
Mains: Compulsory language paper
Q. How did you prepare for the Compulsory English Paper ? (if then Book list and Studypan/comments/tips)
Answer: Any good English Grammar book.
Q. How did you prepare for the Compulsory Hindi Paper ? (if then Book list and Studypan/comments/tips)
Answer: Any good Hindi Grammar book.
Essay Writing :
Q1. How did you prepare for the essay paper ?
Answer:Extensive reading and if you can write few essays,it will definitely help.
Q2. Which among the following essay did you write? What key points did you include in it? ( If you remember
Answer: Women empowerment.
Main points of Essay :
(historical,social,economic,political,psychological,cultural )
General Studies (Mains) Paper
How did you prepare?
Indian History
NCERT + (Bipin chandra old ncert)
NCERT + (Bipin chandra) |
Post - independence India
Indian Culture
NCERT and Spectrum publication
Physical Geography
Indian Geography
Indian Polity
Laxmikanth for UPSC
Indian Economy
VajiRam current notes
Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi
Himachal Pradesh General Studies:
History Art & Culture Geography Polity Economic & Social Development |
Mittoo(NBT) and
Jagmohan Balokhra's Book and Economic survey of Himachal Pradesh. |
Q. Any other comments, Tips or word of wisdom after going through the mains ?
Answer: Answer writing is key to scoring good marks in mains.Go for quality rather than quantity.
Optional Subject
Q1. First the essential book/resource list and strategy:
Book List : Paper 1 of Optional 1:Pub Adm- Maheshwari
and Vaji Ram printed material on Pub Adm
Book List : Paper 2 of Optional 1 : same as above
Q2. First the essential book/resource list and strategy:
Book List : Paper 1 of Optional 2: Anthropology
Anthropology-B M Dass for physical anthropology;
Nadeem Hasnain for Indian Anthropology or Here ;
Anthropology by Indrani Basu or Here ;
Anthropology by Vidyarthi and Vaid’s notes
Book List : Paper 2 of Optional 2 :same as above.You can also visit any library and search for relevant text books.
Q3. How much of internet-research / current affairs is necessary for this optional? OR can one simply rely on the books and be done with this subject?
Answer: For Pub Adm you need updating of current affairs.Regarding anthropology you can rely on books.
Q4. How many months did it take to finish the core optional syllabus?
Answer: 3-5 months
Q5. How much writing practice you did for Optionals?
Answer: Not much ,but one should do it.
Q6. Do you maintain self-notes for revision of optional? Or you simply rely on reference books?
Answer: Yes, notes definetly help.
Q7. What do you think about the Importance of Optionals in HPAS in existing pattern?
Answer: Optionals make all the difference
Q8. What you will suggest to the young aspirants about how to choose the Optional Subjects?
Answer: Depends on their interest and subjects which are doing well.
Mains answer-writing?
Q. What style you follow like “introduction-body-conclusion” format or just simply write down what comes in mind first or any other style ?
Answer: Yes, you need to follow a pattern depending on the need of question (whether short note or long question).
Q. Did you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs or any other style?
Answer: It is better to write in paragraphs.
Q. What was your approach in the exam writing questions in fixed word limits ?
Answer: If word limit is mentioned, you should follow it.
Q1. How did you prepare for the interview?
Answer: Prepare your bio-data thoroughly.Have an opinion about important current issues in the country.Be in a positive frame of mind.Go through as many newspapers you can.
Q2. Did you attend any mock interviews by coaching classes?
Answer: No
Q3. How long was the interview?
Answer: 25-30 minutes
Q4. Please narrate your entire interview- what questions did they ask and what did you reply and other pleasant or uncomfortable experiences during the interview. (Or you can simply tell about the questions asked in the interview, but it will be better if you try to narrate in question answer pattern).
Answer: Article 370,Intellectual property rights,Polyandry in kinnaur, National commission for women, MNREGA, ISIS,Taliban in pakistan, GST, Law and order situation in the country, Naxalism, slow conviction rate,Traffic problem in Shimla.
Q5. Was your interview on the expected lines of what you had prepared or did they ask you totally unexpected questions? Was it a stress interview, did they ask any uncomfortable questions? If yes, how did you handle it?
Answer: Interview was very cordial. You cannot say expected lines but it was ok. Few questions I did not do well like ISIS and Taliban in Pakistan.
Insecurity about profile
Answer: Just relax,interview is about your attitude.They are basically concerned whether you are confident or not. So don’t carry negative thoughts and have faith in yourself.
Please provide your marks when they will reveal the marks it will help future aspirants.
Career Backup
Answer: I backed my instincts,but one should have backup plan.
Views on HPAS reforms
Q. Optional subjects should be removed altogether. The present pattern is helping no-one, except coaching-owners, book publishers and the candidate whose optional subject gets favorable treatment. What’s you take on this?
Answer: Yes, we can follow UPSC pattern.One optional along with many general studies paper. This will bring parity.
Q. What’s your thoughts on the Aptitude test (CSAT) ? (Honest Views)
Answer: It’s a step in right direction, but issues like english or favouring Sc/St Students should be sorted out.
Q. What other reforms you would like to see in HPAS?
Answer: I think they should introduce scaling for mains subjects so that no subject gets undue advantage.Comission should include topics like economics,Sci and Tech, Histroy and geography in general studies paper.
Inspiration :
Q. Through this struggle and success, what have your learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is Your message to the new aspirants?
Answer: Patience and perseverance along with faith in oneself.Most importantly believe in God.
Q. Many hardworking candidates have failed in Mains/Interview of HPAS-2013. They’re feeling dejected- what is your message to them?
Answer: Kishti har toofan se nikal sakti hai,bhujhi shama jal sakti hai,mayoos na ho mere yaar, kismat kabhi bhi badal sakti hai.
Q. Behind every topper are many people who stood by during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?
Answer: My family and well wishers.
Khadubhai : Thanks a Lot Sir for your Detailed Interview and valuable Guidance you gave to our Readers and Aspirants. You are truly an inspiration for all. Thanks Have a nice time ahead in the Life.
Other Topper's Interview :
[Topper's Interview] Ms. Samritika Thakur Rank-4 Age-25 (HPAS-2013): BOTANY, FORESTRY Optionals
[Topper's Interview] Ms. Samritika Thakur Rank-4 Age-25 (HPAS-2013): BOTANY, FORESTRY Optionals
Congrats aate saab
ReplyDeletesir can u share yr marks..??
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