1. Nature, Range and
Patterns of Women’s Work: Their household work remains mostly invisible and
unrecognised. Here it is essential to categorise various types of work done by
women in terms of paid and unpaid work. This will give us a broad idea to
understand the significance of women’s work
both in the family and in the
What is
Women’s Work?: women were the major producer of food, textiles and
handicrafts throughout human history and continue to provide a major labour
input where production is still in the small scale subsistence sector. Components
of women’s work include housework, paid and unpaid work related to home-based
craft activities, family enterprise or business and paid work outside home. The
kind of work women do is determined by women’s position in the society and
family’s location in the social hierarchy. The basic elements of women’s work
within the home are related to the division of labour between men and women.
Activities included under ‘housework’ broadly differ according to age, gender,
income, occupational group, location (rural/urban), size and structure of the
Work in Home-based Production and Family Farms: Economists distinguish
between production for self-consumption and production for the market.
Only the latter is counted as ‘work’. In rural areas the women from the poorer
households engage in various activities such as cooking, processing of food for
household consumption, storing grains, childcare, fetching fuel wood, fodder
and water, collection of forest produce, preparation of cow dung cakes, care of
livestock and cattle and house repair and maintenance. Much of this work, which
is important for the maintenance of families, is largely done by women.
However, this work is unpaid and is not accounted for as productive work as it
is meant for self-consumption. The conventional definition of ‘work’ does not
include activities, which are of use value and do not have exchange-value.
In the agricultural sector small and marginal farmer households utilise family
Labour In the non-agricultural sector such as handicrafts, handloom weaving,
pottery, food preservation and processing etc., a large proportion of women are
home-based workers. Non-valuation of women’s unpaid work within the home
results in non-recognition of women’s crucial economic contribution.
Female Child Labour: Girls continue to
provide free labour in home-based production. Studies on rural girl child
labour show that she works nine hours a day which keep her out of school. She
works on an average 318 days a year in the fields and at home providing free
labour. Girls are also employed in large numbers in carpet industry of Kashmir,
in lock making in Aligarh, in gem polishing in Jaipur, in match industry in
Sivakasi Such work cuts them off from schooling, literacy, learning technical
skills and improving their job prospects.
Paid Work:
Women also work for wages in fields, forests, mines, factories, offices,
scale and household industries. Women in the subsistence sector have no option but to work. However, their options are limited as they are non-entrants or drop-outs from school.
scale and household industries. Women in the subsistence sector have no option but to work. However, their options are limited as they are non-entrants or drop-outs from school.
Education, Paid Employment and Household
Responsibilities: The spread of education among the middle and upper class
women has opened up new avenues of employment. Illiteracy =major barrier to
increasing and diversifying work and training opportunities. Pre-defined roles,
ideology and labour market forces in a labour surplus economy effectively
restrict women’s work opportunity among educated women of certain sectors.
Working outside home on the same terms and conditions, as men, does not absolve
them from their domestic responsibilities. The dual burden of work
creates physical, mental and emotional strain.= delayed promotions or
sacrificing new job opportunities due to family responsibilities.
Agricultural and Industrial Sectors: Gender
inequalities exist in all sectors. Inequalities are reflected in distribution of
women workers in different sectors, in job hierarchies and in wages and earnings
between men and women. Industrialisation has created more work opportunities
for a small section of educated women but at the same time has reduced work
opportunities for unskilled women workers who were the traditional workers in
textiles, jute, mines etc. The high concentration of women in household
industries rather than factory-based production affects their status as workers
with no control on their labour and earnings.
iii) Women in Services and Professions: As far
as women in services and professions are concerned there is no wage
discrimination but they are concentrated in certain types of jobs like
teachers, nurses, typists and stenographers and very few occupy higher
positions in administration, business, technical jobs and professions.
Gap between men and women in the services and professions is
large. The reasons are Girls are generally socialised for their domestic roles,
less investment in the vocational and technical training of girls, higher
concentration of girls is found in humanities and social sciences rather than
vocational and technical courses, there is less physical mobility among women
after marriage.
iv) Earning Differentials: An expression of
discrimination against women in labour market is wage differential. They not
only get unequal pay for equal work but many jobs that women do are categorised
as low skilled jobs for which lower wages are paid.
Workers and the Growth of Unorganised Sector: A majority of women (eighty
seven per cent) are working in the rural and urban unorganised sector without
the protection of labour legislation regarding wages, hours of work, working
conditions, health and maternity benefits and childcare services. The labour
force in this sector is characterised by higher incidence of casual labour and
intermittent nature of work, low wages, and low capital incentives.
2. Determinants of
Women’s Work: There are various factors, which determine women’s work.
a) Structural Factors: The key structural variables, which determine women’s work, are
Family, Caste, Class and Community: basic
elements of women’s work within the family are related to division of labour
between men and women. Women from upper caste in rural areas do not engage in
out of home wage employment, as ‘non-work’ is linked to the notion of ‘higher
status’ and prestige. Caste-based occupations also such as smithery, pottery,
weaving, and leather work etc. where there is a well-defined sexual division of
labour. There are different notions among different classes, castes and
community about ‘appropriateness’ or ‘suitability’ of certain types of work for
women. Teaching and nursing are considered to be suitable jobs for women. in
agriculture the tasks of sowing, threshing, breeding transplanting etc.
Regional Differences: In the South,
North-East and Central tribal belt, women’s work participation is high in
comparison to North India. Women’s work participation is higher in rice growing
areas than in wheat growing areas. The reasons are both cultural and economic.
Labour Market: in agriculture women
do not plough, they do weeding, transplanting and harvesting In industries like
electronics women are mostly employed in assembly jobs. Similarly, in services women
are concentrated in teaching, nursing and office jobs.
Environmental Changes and Women’s Work: in
the areas hit by water scarcity and deforestation, women spend long hours in
collecting fuel wood for cooking, fodder for cattle and water for home consumption.
In the hill areas of Uttar Pradesh women actively participate in the Chipko movement
to prevent destruction of forest as it resulted in increasing difficulties in
the collection of fuel, fodder and water and other daily requirements of their
b) Socio-cultural Factors=
Values, Norms, Attitudes and Customs: these
exercise greater control over women’s work than in the case of men. For
example, agricultural development has changed the values and attitudes to work
among certain caste groups. obvious result has been that of the withdrawal of
women from manual agricultural activities among these caste groups. The process
of Sanskritisation leads to the withdrawal of women from manual activities in
the families moving up in the social hierarchy.
Family Ideology and Socialisation of
Girls: Girls are socialised from their childhood to accept the family
ideology. It not only affects the women’s work roles, but also determines the
self-perception and role expectation.
Gender-based Division of Labour: It
is one of the important reasons for the high concentration of women workers in
the low paid jobs.
Self-Perception of Need to Work-choice
vs. Compulsion: Their own perception of work and their attitude to work
stems from the link seen between education, earnings and family’s status and
the importance of their economic contributions to the family. For middle class
women in white-collar employment and for women in higher professions, work or employment
has a different meaning than for agricultural labourers or factory workers or
domestic workers.
3. Processes which
Transform Women’s Roles: Social, economic and political processes transform
women’s work roles.
and Training: There are strong links between education, training and
better-paid jobs. It is argued that women’s education can help them to seek
higher quality employment. The problem of retaining girls in school and high
drop-out rate is due to the fact that poor families rarely see education from
the point of view of better prospects or investment for the future. Only a
small section of educated girls among middle and upper classes plan their
careers. Women opt for liberal arts, humanities and home science due to sex
stereotyping of roles and sometimes reluctance on the part of families to make
a long-term investment in technical and vocational education and training of
girls and for various other reasons.
Changes: class and gender bias in technical education, women are often at a
disadvantaged position when technical changes are of labour-replacing type.
Agricultural modernisation and industrialisation have displaced women unskilled
workers. For example, in green revolution areas mechanisation of farm operations
like weeding, harvesting, threshing etc. has replaced women from their
traditional jobs. the impact of technology on women industrial workers (in
food, tobacco, textiles and minerals) demonstrates that capital intensive
industries had adverse effect on female labour absorption. Introduction of
technology needs new skills and training and women are often disadvantaged.
Access to
Land and Other Productive Resources: gender often determines women’s access
to productive resources (Land, Capital and Technology). For example, women have
low access to land. Since most of the land is owned by the male members of the
family, institutional credits including technological know-how are sanctioned
by the development agencies in the name of the male members of the household.
=women become increasingly dependent on men.
Producers and Worker’s Organisations as Pressure Groups: Poor working women
largely in the unorganised sector have gained very little from the trade union
movement. Over the years the participation of women has not only decreased in
the organised workforce but also within the trade unions.
e) Macro Processes and State Policies
All Articles on Women Status and Empowerment :
- [WomenEmpowerment] Woman Status in India :Sociological Concept, Family and Women’sWork, Role of Women
- [WomenEmpowerment] Women's Movements in India
- [WomenEmpowerment] Women and Work
- [WomenEmpowerment] Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in India
- [WomenEmpowerment] Role of Women in India’s Freedom Struggle
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